
Download Desktop Hypervisor (Workstation and Fusion) for personal and commercial use (with entitlement)下载教程汉化

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Download Desktop Hypervisor (Workstation and Fusion) for personal and commercial use (with entitlement)




Download for personal use下载供个人使用:

  1. Go to broadcom.com 打开相应网站
    Download Desktop Hypervisor (Workstation and Fusion) for personal and commercial use (with entitlement)下载教程汉化
  2. In the upper right corner, select ‘Support Portal’  在右上角,选择“支持门户” ‘Support Portal’ 
  3. Either log in by clicking ‘Go To Portal’ or ‘Register’ for a basic Broadcom account Quick link to the registration form  通过单击 ‘Go To Portal’ 或 ‘Register’ 登录基本Broadcom帐户注册表的快速链接
  4. Once logged in, go to support.broadcom.com if you’re not redirected there 登录后,如果您没有被跳转连接,请手动打开support.broadcom.com
  5. Click the dropdown to choose the VMware Cloud Foundation division  单击下拉菜单选择VMware Cloud Foundation连接并点击Download Desktop Hypervisor (Workstation and Fusion) for personal and commercial use (with entitlement)下载教程汉化
  6. On the left, click ‘My Downloads’ 在左侧,单击 ‘My Downloads’
  7. Search for either Fusion or Workstation 搜索Fusion或Workstation
  8. Click the product name (VMware Fusion Pro for Personal Use or VMware Workstation Pro for Personal Use) 单击产品名称(VMware Fusion Pro for Personal Use或个人用VMware Workstation Pro for Personal Use) 
    Download Desktop Hypervisor (Workstation and Fusion) for personal and commercial use (with entitlement)下载教程汉化Download Desktop Hypervisor (Workstation and Fusion) for personal and commercial use (with entitlement)下载教程汉化
  9. Notice the dropdown for the Personal Use edition (it is the exact same binaries as the Commercial one) 请注意个人使用版的下拉列表(它与商业版的二进制文件完全相同)Download Desktop Hypervisor (Workstation and Fusion) for personal and commercial use (with entitlement)下载教程汉化Download Desktop Hypervisor (Workstation and Fusion) for personal and commercial use (with entitlement)下载教程汉化
  10. Select 17.5.2 or 13.5.2

Download Desktop Hypervisor (Workstation and Fusion) for personal and commercial use (with entitlement)下载教程汉化Download Desktop Hypervisor (Workstation and Fusion) for personal and commercial use (with entitlement)下载教程汉化

Download Desktop Hypervisor (Workstation and Fusion) for personal and commercial use (with entitlement)下载教程汉化Download and install Commercial user download

Commercial user download: Follow support portal registration, profile build process with Site id and download commercial build binaries. See Download Broadcom products and software.

Managing VMware vSphere with VMware Workstation - virtualhome.blog

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