这破玩意自带的内存现在还不是很便宜:苹果Mac Pro 3.1 (A1186)台式机工作站服务器内存4G/4GB FB-DIMM 4GB DDR3内存条现在58-75元,你敢信??
Apple Mac Pro A1186
TWO x Intel Xeon X5482 Quad Core 3.2GHz | 3.5GB Ram | 2TB Hard Drive | ATI Radeon 2600 XT 256Mb Graphics | DVDRW | USB Ports | Firewire | 2008 Model
*Listing is for system only, no keyboard or mouse provided.
Operating System
macOS 10.8, Mountain Lion
30 Days Warranty
so here’s the rub. that graphics card does have Apple firmware, so it does not support Mac boot screens. So you get no startup picture, no startup manager, no diagnostics, nothing until your Mac is fully up and running. and if it does not get there, you get no help in finding out why.
But IF you could get past that, the card itself does support MacOS 10.9 and later, and supports Metal, so could support through 10.14 Mojave.
A1186 looks up to silver tower, original through 2008 models. Do you know what model-year? 2008 models can run 10.11 El Capitan.
a very typical failure is failure of the graphics card, but sub-failures of individual interface have been seen. DO NOT replace like-for-like or you will be right back here too soon. a slight upgrade in technology can provide MUCH more stability.
You can use any monitor. Readers can advise about how to adapt the card outputs to display inputs. Resolutions of most cards will be limited to 2560 by 1600 max.
What MacOS do you/ can you run?
Internet Recovery is NOT available in ROM in most Macs before 2011 models. So you will need to explore this list of other possibilities.
When your computer was released, the way you launched the required Utilities (including Disk Utility and Installer) was to use the ones on the Release software DVD. if you have a model-specific version for your model (unlikely) or a Full Retail 10.6 DVD, you use its Utilities, boot and install that version, then use Software update to get to 10.6.8 with all updates, which is the version that can reach out to the Mac App store for the first time and download and install a later version.
10.11 El Capitan is a recommended waypoint, even if you expect to install a later version, because it has an improved Mac App Store that makes getting later versions much easier.
The next source of Utilities is the Recovery Partition on the boot drive. If your drive spins up, even if not MacOS bootable, it may still have a usable recovery partition. To get there, try invoking recovery with Command-R or hold Alt/Option at startup and see if the recovery partition shows as a potentially bootable drive.
Recovery Partitions up through 10.12 Sierra can be found with the Startup Manager (Alt/Option boot). At 10.13, if an SSD boot drive is used, the format is transitioned to APFS. The Recovery partition is present, but it is inside the APFS container, and the Startup Manager on an older Mac may not be able to find it.
The next source of Utilities to consider is any MacOS 10.6 or later versions on any additional drives or clones you may (or may not) have lying about, even if they are from another Mac. You can use those Utilities to ERASE a new drive, and start the installer to place MacOS on the new drive.
The next source to consider is a Time Machine backup drive. Versions from 10.7.3 or later are said to contain a Recovery Partition that could be used to ERASE a new drive and run Installer to place MacOS on a new drive. Time Machine backups created in MacOS 11 Big Sur or later are APFS format, and APFS format backup drives do NOT have a Recovery partition.
Two Mac solutions:
With certain combinations of new and old Mac, you can use Target Disk mode to repair, erase, and install on the drive of the old Mac, by treating it as a disk drive on the new Mac.
Transfer files between two Mac computers using target disk mode – Apple Support
MacOS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, 2008 Model.
CPU 升级
不升级 CPU 也可以,原装双路双核志强(Xeon)5150 可以直接使用
该型号 Mac Pro 工作站可升级的兼容 CPU:
志强 X5355 四核(两个八核超 i5 媲美 i7)
升级到 12G 容量及以上
显卡升级:Mac Pro 1,1 2006 A1186 EMC 自带的 NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT(256MB)需要升级
HD 5770 1G 显存(公版如果不刷 Mac 版的 BIOS,安装好 EI Capitan 系统后,该显卡可能会在“关于本机”中识别为 ATI Radeon HD 5000 1024MB)
至少两块硬盘,一块运行 OS X,另一块是要恢复 OS X EI Capitan 10.11 到上面的
下载预安装好的 OS X EI Capitan 10.11 系统的硬盘镜像
MAC A1186机器图片参考
2010-12年份的都叫A1289,其中包括,mc871 mc535 mc560 mc561 md770 md772 md771等六种。(末代皇帝)
2013年至今的型号都叫A1481,包括,me253 me878 megg2三款,俗称垃圾桶。
2019 Mac Pro